A Food Freedom Dietitian & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor helping women just like you take their power back through a soul-centered approach to binge eating recovery.
Do you struggle with reaching for food any time you’re feeling not-so-great emotionally? Maybe you find comfort in food, or the feeling of eating food. In this article, we’re going to take you through 9 signs of emotional eating and some tips that you can dive into to overcome emotional eating!
While it’s true that food can “soothe” our emotions, often times its only temporary. Emotional eating isn’t a bad thing, but it’s not a long-term helpful solution to negative emotions either.
Sometimes you may not even realize that you’re emotionally eating. You might just feel “off” and feel yourself just reaching for food. So with that being said, let’s dive into those signs of comfort eating, shall we?
Disclaimer: Just with everything in life, everything mentioned here absolutely has lots of nuance that goes along with it. Take this information as learning, and always remember that you, your body, and your intuition know best. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.
We have to know where we’re at in order to move forward. With that being said, if you’ve now identified that you think emotional eating might be going on, we first need to identify what emotion you’re experiencing.
Identifying what emotion you’re feeling will help you to see what’s going on. Get curious about what the feeling is. Even if you’re unsure, maybe just guess, and go from there! Remember, there’s no such thing as perfect here.
Once you’ve identified what emotion it is that you’re feeling, then we can take some action. This can look like asking yourself, “What do I need?” Then, based on what you’re feeling, what could help soothe or alleviate that emotion?
What we’re getting at here is getting to the root of the emotional cause behind eating. And then (in some cases) doing a different kind of more helpful coping mechanism other than always reaching for the food.
Note: sometimes grabbing the food isn’t always a bad thing! Remember, there’s lots of nuance here and no good or bad choices!
A cornerstone practice of all intuitive eating-related things is self-compassion. Self-compassion is all about being truly kind and respectful towards yourself.
Diet culture teaches us to be really mean to ourselves. It’s almost as though we become our own worst critic. Let’s flip that script and see how you can bring in some self-compassion. Especially as it relates to overcoming emotional eating and coping with your emotions with kindness.
Want to learn even more about emotional eating? Check out these additional resources:
I have a highly supportive binge eating coaching program, Embodied Food Freedom, that is designed to help you take all the steps you need to so you can embody your version of food freedom.
This program was built to help you specifically overcome binge eating, overeating, and emotional eating. If emotional eating is feeling really tough for you, you could benefit from this type of in-depth support!
Also, feel free to visit my intuitive eating coaching services page to explore all of what The Intuitive Nutritionist currently has to offer.
Jenn is a non-diet Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor that helps women overcome binge eating, overeating, and emotional eating so that they can embody their version of food freedom. Jenn is dedicated to helping guide her clients and community to leave all of the “shoulds” of diet culture in the past and find confidence in their own inner wisdom to guide their eating decisions, increase their self-worth, and embody their most authentic selves.
A Food Freedom Dietitian & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor helping women just like you take their power back through a soul-centered approach to binge eating recovery.
I'm Jenn! A Food Freedom Dietitian & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor helping women just like you take their power back through a soul-centered approach to binge eating recovery.
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