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using a simplified, soul-centered approach so you can truly embody your version of food freedom.

Empowering women to end the cycle of binge & emotional eating

You’re deserving and worthy of healing your relationship with food. You want nothing more than to just live your life instead of stressing over food. As an intuitive eating dietitan, that’s what we’re all about here. Take a deep breath – Let’s release the control & feel comfortable around food, together.

I’m here to help you feel at peace with your fav foods 

No more roller coaster of bingeing, feeling guilty, vowing to ‘be good,’ dieting, inevitably bingeing again, and the cycle repeats… 

Flash forward to today – I healed my own relationship with food, it was possible after all. And now using my personal experience, education, and expertise as a Food Freedom & Intuitive Eating Dietitian, I help women just like you overcome binge eating & emotional eating so that you can truly live your life as your most authentic self. 

I thought I’d never ever be able to feel at peace with and in control around food. 

Like many women, I got trapped in the diet-binge cycle – flip flopping between tracking everything I ate into MyFitnessPal and binge eating all the fun foods in the house. It felt very out of control, when all I wanted was to feel in control of my eating habits. 

I'm Jenn. Former Binge Eater turned Food Freedom Dietitian & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

hey hey!

You may have seen me in

Free Urge to Eat Audio

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A free guided audio created to get you through the urge to eat without bingeing, in real time.

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Mindset practices, guided audios, and meditations to implement food freedom into your day-to-day life with ease. 

Food Freedom Mindset Bundle

Daily Instant Support

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Get instant access to the self paced course designed to help you learn how to *actually* listen to your body and how to stop eating when you’re comfortably full.

Full & Free

Self Paced Course

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A 1:1 food freedom coaching journey where intuitive eating meets neuroscience-backed mindset techniques to create peace with food that lasts.

Mind Body Magic

Private Coaching

your relationship with food?

relationship with food?



Ready to

I've got a few things in mind for you!

Take the Free Quiz

A free 2-min quiz for you to find out what’s keeping you stuck in the binge eating cycle and holding you back from food freedom the most at this time.

How Can You Overcome Binge Eating?

Free Quiz

It's time to feel empowered around food instead of food holding power over you.

let's take your power back my friend!

Tune In Now

Tune in for the best mix of heartfelt + educational conversations that will leave you feeling empowered, uplifted, and ready to embody your version of food freedom.

Grab your ear buds, fav cup of tea (and maybe a yummy snack) and let’s dive in to all the topics you’re dying to learn more about! 

The Intuitively You Podcast

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Looking for professional speaking engagements?

Are you looking for an Intuitive Eating Registered Dietitian to support for your next event, lunch & learn, workshop, or guest coaching session? 

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Prior to working with Jenn, a lot of my mental bandwidth was taken up with fear, guilt and lack of control around food. I struggled with the good/bad narrative and was stuck in a loop of binge and restriction with a lot of my favourite foods. Since working with Jenn I have noticed how much headspace I have without thoughts of food consuming my thoughts, and enjoy favourite foods without feeling guilty or out of control. I would absolutely recommend Jenn to anyone considering an intuitive eating journey.

“I can enjoy favourite foods without  feeling guilty or out of control.”


I can’t begin to explain how much Jenn has helped to heal my relationship with food and my body. It was so empowering and allowed me to regain control of my body confidence and love eating again without guilt for the first time in years. I will be forever grateful for the inspiring guidance and warm energy that Jenn radiated during our time together.

"Eating without guilt for the first time in years."


Before working with Jenn I was obsessed over food and weight. Now, I am much more peaceful surrounding food. I no longer obsess, or binge when the “naughty” foods are present. I have found neutrality regarding my body image which feels incredible. Jenn gave me confidence to do things that scared me, she is patient and understanding. And mostly just a beautiful person, and very easy to talk to.

“I no longer binge when the 'naughty' foods are present.”


Before working with Jenn I was stuck in a diet-binge cycle, restricting and had an all or nothing mindset. While working with Jenn I was able to let go of the cycles and embrace intuitive eating. Not only did my relationship with food change completely but also my confidence and body image has grown and evolved. I will forever be grateful to Jenn and how she coached me into changing my food life and would recommend her 100%!

“Working with Jenn was life changing.” 


Before working with Jenn I was so focused on following specific meal plans to meet my weight loss goals even if I knew it wasn’t a sustainable way of living for me. After working with Jenn I have learned that weight loss does not equal health. I have come home to my body and learned to listen to what it needs and when it needs it. Intuitive Eating has taught me that I am not just eating for my body but also for my mind and soul. It taught me to love my body at any size and that as I continue to change through different stages in life that it is normal. Learning to listen to my body in everything that it needs has been a life changing experience and something I will have in my life forever.

“Intuitive Eating is so much more than just food.”


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