Step into your highest self with intuitive eating.

Food Freedom Mindset Bundle

guided audios

This bundle is filled with guided audios, intuitive eating meditations, journal prompts and mindset work to help you integrate the concepts of intuitive eating and body acceptance into your everyday life with ease.

Overwhelmed with the process of trying to incorporate intuitive eating.

Sick of feeling out of control around your fav foods, emotionally eating, and being stuck in that pesky restrict-overeat cycle. 

Trying to let go of feeling guilty about food decisions and can’t seem to shake the “good” vs. “bad” food diet mentality that seems to be all around you.

Clouded by negative feelings about your body getting in the way of making peace with food & yourself.

Struggling to stay connected to body’s cues (hunger, fullness, satisfaction) or making food choices in alignment to what feels best for your body.

Hi love, I’m guessing you’re here because you deeply desire peace with food and your body, but you’re struggling with truly implementing it into your life. 

You're likely...

feeling this? read on!

Sounds amazing, right?

Confidently incorporate intuitive eating concepts into your day-to-day life.

Move through your days without stressing over your food choices so that you can get your brain space back to focus on things you truly love.

Learn how to bounce back from, let go of, and lessen experiences of overeating, bingeing, or emotional eating.

Feel at peace with your here-and-now body and more comfortable in your own skin.

Be so connected to your body that you can truly trust it's inner wisdom to guide your choices and overall health & well-being.

What if you you could fully embody the food freedom mindset...

Imagine If You Could:

If you deeply desire that feeling of freedom and peace within your relationship with food, then please know you are SO deserving of it. 

- Donna

“I have never thought about meditations and/or guided audios… until Jenn’s path and mine crossed. For the past several months, I have been regularly listening to her meditations and guided audios. Jenn has real-life experience in the areas of her sessions, which makes them even more effective and powerful. Not only are her words insightful, but her soft-spoken voice has such a calming effect. After the session, Jenn’s mindset work (journaling and reflections) reiterates the information learned during the session. I always feel much better after our time together, and feel I am making progress towards my goals. Continuity, perseverance, and reinforcement are the keys to building lifetime positive habits, and I know Jenn will lead me down the correct paths towards reaching those goals.”

kind words

Get Your Bundle Here

I’m frustrated with myself that I just can’t seem to be able to get control over my eating. I'm a grown-up woman. How do I not know how to eat or listen to my body?! 

It’s hard to stop overeating, I’m feeling defeated and unsure if I can truly make peace with food. What if I can never stop feeling out of control with food?

I’ve tried so many things and nothing ever sticks. I’m a little nervous that I’ll be able to show up for myself and implement this mindset work. 

I’m so ready to ditch the diet mentality! But it’s been really hard to tune out the diet culture noise and focus on improving my relationship with food. 

Let me guess, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of: 

It’s absolutely okay to feel scared, unsure, or even a little lost while trying to find food freedom.

All so you can truly start feeling at peace with food.

This bundle has been carefully designed to support you in implementing the intuitive eating mindset work you need while easing those fears.

Food Freedom Mindset Bundle

It’s time to come home to your own inner wisdom. 

The Food Freedom Mindset Bundle will provide you with step-by-step solutions to the struggles you face day-to-day surrounding food and your body image. This bundle has been designed to help you go from feeling out of control and guilty around food to confident and peaceful in your relationship with food and your body. 

Consider this your roadmap for stepping into your highest self with intuitive eating.  

Introducing the Food Freedom Mindset Bundle! Supportive self-paced guided audios, meditations, journal prompts, and mindset work to help you integrate the concepts of intuitive eating and body acceptance into your everyday life with ease. It’s like having an intuitive eating coach in your pocket for the moments you need support most! 

Get Your Bundle Here


Flash forward to today – I healed my own relationship with food, it was possible after all. And now using my personal experience, education, and expertise as a Food Freedom & Intuitive Eating Registered Dietitian, I help women just like you overcome binge eating & emotional eating so that you can truly live your life as your most authentic self. 

I thought I’d never ever be able to feel at peace with and in control around food. 

Like many women, I got trapped in the diet-binge cycle – flip flopping between tracking everything I ate into MyFitnessPal and binge eating all the fun foods in the house. It felt very out of control, when all I wanted was to feel in control of my eating habits. 

I'm Jenn. Former Binge Eater turned Food Freedom Dietitian & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

hey hey!

- Stela

“Jenn’s guided audios and meditations are helpful to access the thoughts that are drowned out by the day to day chatter. It’s amazing how much you can learn about yourself from a quick 10 minute guided meditation and a great way to tune into your body’s needs. The mindset work had the biggest impact on my journey because it addressed self talk which is at the center of everything. The journal prompts are sometimes hard to go through since the questions bring up difficult emotions but ultimately it’s worth the effort to learn about your thought patterns, where they came from, and brainstorm believable reframes to address them.”

kind words

A quick reference guide to help you easily determine which guided audio or meditation would be best for you at that moment. Taking the overwhelm out of the decision making!
Plus, scannable QR codes so that the guided audios and meditations are instantly available for you right when you need them! 

Quick Reference Guide + QR Codes

Journal prompts that come along with each guided audio and meditation to take a deeper dive into working through what you need to feel more peaceful in your relationship with food and your body. Hello real mindset shifts!

Journal Prompts

5 meditations for getting grounded in the food freedom mindset and letting go of old diet culture beliefs that no longer serve you: 
  • Morning Mindset
  • Food Freedom Visualization 
  • Letting Go of Negative Food & Body Thoughts
  • Dealing with Comments from Others 
  • Evening Gratitude

5 Intuitive eating Meditations

6 guided audios for getting “real time” coaching through the tough food and body moments: 
  • After a Binge or Overeating 
  • Feeling Guilty About Food 
  • Anytime Pep-Talk
  • Turn Around a Bad Body Image Day
  • Managing Urges & Emotional Eating
  • Mindful Eating Exercise

11 Guided Audios & Meditations total

When you purchase the Food Freedom Mindset Bundle, you’ll get:

the goods

Instant access to 11 guided audios and meditations that you can lean on for support to confidently integrate intuitive eating into your daily life. 

6 Guided Audios



1 Payment Of

Yes! I can't wait!

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This one-time payment gives you lifetime access*

*please be sure to read the Terms of Use at checkout for full details of all conditions. 

includes any applicable taxes

aka. a lifetime of food freedom support!



click here

Have Questions? I've got answers.

All of the content is unlocked for you once you purchase. You will then have lifetime access* to the Food Freedom Minset Bundle, as long The Intuitive Nutritionist and the hosting platform of the bundle continue to operate. Should any of this ever change (we sure hope it doesn’t!), you will be notified well in advance. (*Please refer to Terms of Use at checkout for further details) 

The audios rannge anywhere from 2 minutes - 10 minutes. Not too long that it’ll get in the way of you living your life to its fullest, but just long enough for you to get the impact and goodness out of listening. You can choose to spend additional time journaling or reflecting, if and when you have the time and space to do so. Hello mindset shifts! 

There is no right or wrong here! The tools in the bundle help to support you in deciding when you may benefit from listening to certain audios. Some guided audios you can listen to on an “as needed” basis, for example, after you overate. Others, like the morning food freedom mindset meditation, can be used as often as you’d like. 

If you’re someone who desires peace with food, wants to feel more connected to your body, and are trying to embrace intuitive eating, this bundle could greatly support you. Some struggles that the Food Freedom Mindset Bundle can support you with include, but are not limited to: overwhelm with intuitive eating, overeating, binge eating, emotionally eating, food guilt, not being able to let go of the diet mentality, negative body thoughts, and disconnect from body’s cues. 

I designed the Food Freedom Mindset Bundle to be able to bridge the gap between learning and implementing intuitive eating (which often is the missing piece to success)! The defintion of it “working” is different for everyone, but this product is meant to help you find a version of food freedom that aligns with YOU, your lifestyle, and your values. Afterall, it’s all about coming back to your internal wisdom. 

Absolutely! There are many things to unlearn and learn along the way, but the Food Freedom Mindset Bundle can be a great starting point to your intuitive eating journey. 

All sales are final. Due to the downloadable nature of the bundle, refunds will not be issued for the bundle once it is purchased.

Shoot me an email at! I’m here to answer all your questions and help you feel confident in your purchase.

It’s time to drop the overwhelm with food and get intuitive eating guidance in your day-to-day life so that you can embody your version of food freedom with confidence.

Are you ready to step into your highest self with intuitive eating?

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