Free 2-Day Virtual Retreat:

Nourished New Year

An empowering live 2-day event to end the cycle of wanting to 'start again,' eat clean, or diet when New Years rolls around. 

Start 2024 in community with others committed to their food freedom journey. Say BYE BYE diet culture & hello to your new era of nourishment and freedom!

Together, we'll reflect on your 2023 relationship with food, let go of what no longer serves you, invite in your food freedom intentions for 2024, and connect to your authentic self!

Retreat Day!  
Reflect & Realign

Retreat Day!  Reflect & Realign

Ditch the New Year diet drama and dive into your Nourished New Year

where intuitive eating becomes your path to freedom. 

sneak peek:

Day 1

Take your realizations from our retreat and turn them into tangible goals & actions. We'll workshop your goals together + you'll get to ask Jenn any Qs you have -- hello support!

Debrief & Support

Day 2

🧘‍♀️ Embodiment Practices
🍪 Community connection
💗 Support

✍🏼 Journaling
💡Finding clarity

You Can Expect ALL The Vibes:

Nourished New Year is a trulyretreat for your relationship with food!

Plus, you'll get a retreat journal & workbook for FREE too! 

Everyone who signs up get access to the downloadable PDF journal & workbook  to take a deep dive into your journey & apply what you learn to your life

The Deets.

About the Nourished New Year Free 2-day Virtual Retreat:

January 11th & 12th at 12:00pm EST each day


Virtually on Zoom, from the comfort of your own space


Completely FREE!


You'll Get:

A FREE virtual retreat experience for your relationship with food 

Clarity on what next steps to take on your intuitive eating journey

A bonus free downloadable PDF workbook to take what you learn & apply it to your life!

Community connection & support to empower you on your journey

bid farewell to the cycle of 'starting again' every year as you embrace a new era of nourishment and freedom

Snag your free spot today for the nourished new year 2-day virtual retreat!

Ready to Join Us?

Are you ready to say BYE BYE diet culture & hello to your new era of nourishment and freedom?

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